January 31 days program
Release date: December 2020

January 31 days program

Equipment: Fitness Mat

10 min

Per day

31 Days


January 31 days program

Online Calendar


10 min
[7日間チャレンジ] セルライトを落とす下半身やせストレッチ![7 days challenge] Lose cellulite! Lower body slimming stretch!


10 min
[左右対称な小顔作り] 顔の歪みを整えるわりばしストレッチ!Get symmetrical slim face! Straighten facial distortion!


10 min
[7日間チャレンジ] 姿勢改善+脂肪燃焼で背中・肩・二の腕シェイプ! [7 days challenge] Shape back / shoulder / upper arm!


10 min
[7日間チャレンジ] 顔と首を細くする肩甲骨締め!Neck exercise for slim face in 7 days


10 min
[7日間チャレンジ] 上半身を細く引き締める![7 days challenge] Get slim upper body!


10 min


10 min
[顔トレ] 二重あごのたるみが消えて美しい小顔へ![Face workout] Burn chin & jawline fat! Get a beautiful small face!


10 min
[藤本美貴] 倍速でおへそ周りと下半身が引き締まる10分ミキティ筋トレ!Super slim leg workout!


9 min
[7日間チャレンジ] 横腹+腰肉を落とすヨガ!(体硬くても大丈夫!) Muffin top yoga in 7 days! (Even stiff body)

DAY 10

10 min
[ヒップアップ] お尻の位置を5cm引き上げて美しいハート形に!Angel butt lift workout

DAY 11

10 min
[内臓脂肪を落とす] 40過ぎて痩せるならゆっくり動作で怪我なく痩せる!

DAY 12

10 min
[-25kgと-14kg] はるなとなつきの減量筋トレ! Lunge workout for lose weight

DAY 13

10 min
【10分】骨盤締めダイエット!毎日10分で寝たまま華奢やせ!(女性限定無料ボディメイクコース実践編#2) | Muscle Watching

DAY 14

10 min
[7日間チャレンジ] 全身を細く引き締める!毎日コメント欄に報告してね![11/15~21] Full body workout for toned body

DAY 15

10 min

DAY 16

10 min

DAY 17

10 min
【10分】最速お腹やせ-10cm!必ずお腹の脂肪が落ちる!30日ビキニボディチャレンジ#21 | マッスルウォッチング

DAY 18

11 min
【10分】簡単!楽なのに世界一痩せるストレッチ | Muscle Watching × AIG損保

DAY 19

10 min
【10分】シックスパック確定!僕がいつもやってる腹筋トレーニング10種目を一挙公開! | マッスルウォッチング

DAY 20

10 min
[7日間チャレンジ] 脚を細くする1日1回10分ストレッチ!コメント欄に毎日報告してね![11/8~14] Leg exercise for slim thigh

DAY 21

10 min

DAY 22

11 min

DAY 23

11 min

DAY 24

10 min

DAY 25

10 min
【10分】世界一痩せるスクワット! | Muscle Watching

DAY 26

10 min

DAY 27

10 min
【10分】足パカダイエット!毎日10分で寝たまま楽やせ!#1 | Muscle Watching

DAY 28

11 min
【10分】太もも-10cm!世界最速でやせる神ダイエット!No talking ver

DAY 29

10 min

DAY 30

11 min
【10分】簡単!楽なのにすごい痩せるスクワット&プランク! | Muscle Watching × AIG損保

DAY 31

10 min


1. Should I rest if I have muscle pain?

-If you have heavy muscle pain, you should take a rest. But, you can workout if you have light muscle pain. With or without muscle pain, you can do cardio exercise and stretching.
Check this video.

2. How long can I lose weight?

-Many successful people have been exercising for a year. If you have been exercising for a year, you will not gain weight again. Many failing people lose weight temporarily in a short period, but when they stop exercising, they gain weight again. You should workout for a year.
Check this video.

3.Should I workout everyday?

-Of course you can rest. However, there are many stretching videos that can be done in 5 minutes a day. Feel free to exercise.
Check 5 minutes playlist.

4. How many minutes should I workout a day?

-5 minutes or 10 minutes is enough. Of course you can exercise longer than that. It's important to continue doing, there is no need to force it for a long time.

5. Why can I lose weight by easy and short exercise?

-There is a big difference between not doing a little exercise and doing a little exercise. In many cases, a little exercise can help you lose weight. It does not matter if you do hard and long exercises. But it is not necessary.

Muscle Watching Results

Diet tips