Lose weight 4 weeks program
Release date: August 2020

Lose weight 4 weeks program

Type: weight

Equipment: Fitness Mat

15-60 min

Per day

28 Days


Lose weight 4 weeks program

Online Calendar


29 min
【28分】ダイエット運動はこれだけでOK!滝汗筋トレ+有酸素運動+ストレッチ | Muscle Watching


15 min


29 min


30 min
【28分】滝汗確定!脂肪燃えすぎエクササイズ!自宅で道具なしでダイエットできる! #滝汗の輪 | Muscle Watching


40 min
【38分】1回で体重1kg減る超滝汗!お腹の内臓脂肪と皮下脂肪を最短で落とす運動! | マッスルウォッチング


68 min
【60分】今すぐ1kg痩せる!正月太り解消すごい滝汗で秒速ダイエット! | Muscle Watching


29 min
【28分】足パカ滝汗ダイエット!足とお腹の脂肪を燃やしつくす! | Muscle Watching


29 min
【28分】滝汗グーパンチ有酸素運動!嫌でも必ず痩せるやーつ! | Muscle Watching


29 min
【28分】滝汗ストレッチ!ゴツい筋肉をほぐして華奢モデルダイエット! | Muscle Watching

DAY 10

29 min
【28分】年末滝汗!今年の脂肪をスッキリ落とす! | Muscle Watching

DAY 11

15 min
【14分】滝汗ハーフ!1番簡単!自宅でゆっくり静かバージョン!30秒×28種目 | マッスルウォッチング

DAY 12

59 min
【60分】即3kg痩せたい人集合!滝汗パンチ有酸素運動 | Muscle Watching

DAY 13

29 min
【28分】10kg痩せる!春の滝汗痩せ祭り! | Muscle Watching

DAY 14

29 min
【28分】食べ過ぎた日の次の日用滝汗!昨日のカロリーを一気に消費!平成最後の滝汗! | Muscle Watching

DAY 15

65 min
【60分】寝たまま正月太り解消!速攻1kg痩せる!すごい滝汗60分 | Muscle Watching

DAY 16

29 min
【28分】ビキニボディ滝汗!とにかく体を細くする運動! | Muscle Watching × Myprotein

DAY 17

16 min
【14分】痩せたいけど体力がない人はこれ!春の滝汗ハーフ!30秒×28種目 | Muscle Watching

DAY 18

29 min
【28分】全身の脂肪が落ちる人生インスタ映え滝汗 | Muscle Watching

DAY 19

29 min
【28分】これさえやれば細く痩せる滝汗28分!筋トレ+有酸素運動+ストレッチ+マッサージ! | Muscle Watching × みかんありさ

DAY 20

29 min
【28分】これさえやれば痩せる!お腹の脂肪を落とす滝汗スクワット28種目! | Muscle Watching

DAY 21

15 min
滝汗ハーフ!14分筋トレで完全燃焼!自宅脂肪燃焼の決定版! #滝汗の輪 | Muscle Watching

DAY 22

13 min
【10分】運動後も24時間自動的に脂肪が燃える運動!HANDCLAP : TABATA : YOGA | マッスルウォッチング

DAY 23

25 min

DAY 24

29 min

DAY 25

30 min
【28分】滝汗TABATA強度MAX f.t.CYFIT兆佑 and 健人蓋伊 | Muscle Watching in Taiwan

DAY 26

29 min

DAY 27

29 min
【28分】全身の脂肪を燃やし尽くす滝汗パーティー! | Muscle Watching

DAY 28

10 min
[-25kgと-14kg] はるなとなつきの減量筋トレ! Lunge workout for lose weight


1. Should I rest if I have muscle pain?

-If you have heavy muscle pain, you should take a rest. But, you can workout if you have light muscle pain. With or without muscle pain, you can do cardio exercise and stretching.
Check this video.

2. How long can I lose weight?

-Many successful people have been exercising for a year. If you have been exercising for a year, you will not gain weight again. Many failing people lose weight temporarily in a short period, but when they stop exercising, they gain weight again. You should workout for a year.
Check this video.

3.Should I workout everyday?

-Of course you can rest. However, there are many stretching videos that can be done in 5 minutes a day. Feel free to exercise.
Check 5 minutes playlist.

4. How many minutes should I workout a day?

-5 minutes or 10 minutes is enough. Of course you can exercise longer than that. It's important to continue doing, there is no need to force it for a long time.

5. Why can I lose weight by easy and short exercise?

-There is a big difference between not doing a little exercise and doing a little exercise. In many cases, a little exercise can help you lose weight. It does not matter if you do hard and long exercises. But it is not necessary.

Muscle Watching Results

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