Terms of Use



























1 利用者は、本利用規約に同意頂いた上で、本サービスを利用できるものとします。

2 利用者が、本サービスをスマートフォンその他の情報端末にダウンロードし、本規約への同意手続を行った時点で、利用者と当社との間で、本規約の諸規定に従った利用契約が成立するものとします。

3 利用者が未成年者である場合には、親権者その他の法定代理人の同意を得たうえで、本サービスをご利用ください。

4 未成年者の利用者が、法定代理人の同意がないにもかかわらず同意があると偽りまたは年齢について成年と偽って本サービスを利用した場合、その他行為能力者であることを信じさせるために詐術を用いた場合、本サービスに関する一切の法律行為を取り消すことは出来ません。



1 当社は、利用者の承諾を得ることなく、いつでも、本規約の内容を改定することができるものとし、利用者はこれを異議なく承諾するものとします。

2 当社は、本規約を改定するときは、その内容について当社所定の方法により利用者に通知します。

3 前本規約の改定の効力は、当社が前項により通知を行った時点から生じるものとします。

4 利用者は、本規約変更後、本サービスを利用した時点で、変更後の本利用規約に異議なく同意したものとみなされます。


1 本サービスへの入会を希望する方(以下「登録希望者」)は、本規約に同意した上で、所定の方法で入会の申込を行ってください。

2 入会の申込をした方は、弊社がその申込を承諾し、ID登録が完了した時点から登録ユーザとなります。

3 弊社は、登録ユーザ向けにメールで連絡事項の告知や広告その他の情報提供を行います。あらかじめご了承ください。

4 弊社は、登録希望者が次の各号のいずれか一つに該当する場合は、弊社の判断により入会申込を承諾しないことがあります。

一 登録希望者が、弊社の定める方法によらず入会の申込を行った場合

二 登録希望者が、過去に本規約または弊社の定めるその他の利用規約等に違反したことを理由として退会処分を受けた者である場合

三 登録希望者が、不正な手段をもって登録を行っていると弊社が判断した場合

四 登録希望者が、本人以外の情報を登録している場合

五 その他弊社が不適切と判断した場合


1 利用者は、利用に際して登録した情報(以下、「登録情報」といいます。メールアドレスやID・パスワード等を含みます)について、自己の責任の下、任意に登録、管理するものとします。利用者は、これを第三者に利用させ、または貸与、譲渡、名義変更、売買などをしてはならないものとします。

2 当社は、登録情報によって本サービスの利用があった場合、利用登録をおこなった本人が利用したものと扱うことができ、当該利用によって生じた結果ならびにそれに伴う一切の責任については、利用登録を行った本人に帰属するものとします。

3 利用者は、登録情報の不正使用によって当社または第三者に損害が生じた場合、当社および第三者に対して、当該損害を賠償するものとします。

4 登録情報の管理は、利用者が自己の責任の下で行うものとし、登録情報が不正確または虚偽であったために利用者が被った一切の不利益および損害に関して、当社は責任を負わないものとします。

5 登録情報が盗用されまたは第三者に利用されていることが判明した場合、利用者は直ちにその旨を当社に通知するとともに、当社からの指示に従うものとします。

















1 当社は、本サービスの内容変更、中断、終了によって生じたいかなる損害についても、一切責任を負いません。

2 当社は、利用者の本サービスの利用環境について一切関与せず、また一切の責任を負いません。

3 当社は、本サービスが利用者の特定の目的に適合すること、期待する機能・商品的価値・正確性・有用性を有すること、利用者による本サービスの利用が利用者に適用のある法令または業界団体の内部規則等に適合すること、および不具合が生じないことについて、何ら保証するものではありません。

4 当社は、本サービスが全ての情報端末に対応していることを保証するものではなく、本サービスの利用に供する情報端末のOSのバージョンアップ等に伴い、本サービスの動作に不具合が生じる可能性があることにつき、利用者はあらかじめ了承するものとします。当社は、かかる不具合が生じた場合に当社が行うプログラムの修正等により、当該不具合が解消されることを保証するものではありません。

5 利用者は、AppStoreGooglePlay等のサービスストアの利用規約および運用方針の変更等に伴い、本サービスの一部又は全部の利用が制限される可能性があることをあらかじめ了承するものとします。

6 当社は、本サービスを利用したことにより直接的または間接的に利用者に発生した損害について、一切賠償責任を負いません。

7 当社は、利用者その他の第三者に発生した機会逸失、業務の中断その他いかなる損害(間接損害や逸失利益を含みます)に対して、当社が係る損害の可能性を事前に通知されていたとしても、一切の責任を負いません。

8 第1項乃至前項の規定は、当社に故意または重過失が存する場合又は契約書が消費者契約法上の消費者に該当する場合には適用しません。

9 前項が適用される場合であっても、当社は、過失(重過失を除きます。)による行為によって利用者に生じた損害のうち、特別な事情から生じた損害については、一切賠償する責任を負わないものとします。 

10 本サービスの利用に関し当社が損害賠償責任を負う場合、当該損害が発生した月に利用者から受領した利用額を限度として賠償責任を負うものとします。

11 利用者と他の利用者との間の紛争及びトラブルについて、当社は一切責任を負わないものとします。利用者と他の利用者でトラブルになった場合でも、両者同士の責任で解決するものとし、当社には一切の請求をしないものとします。

12 利用者は、本サービスの利用に関連し、他の利用者に損害を与えた場合または第三者との間に紛争を生じた場合、自己の費用と責任において、かかる損害を賠償またはかかる紛争を解決するものとし、当社には一切の迷惑や損害を与えないものとします。

13 利用者の行為により、第三者から当社が損害賠償等の請求をされた場合には、利用者の費用(弁護士費用)と責任で、これを解決するものとします。当社が、当該第三者に対して、損害賠償金を支払った場合には、利用者は、当社に対して当該損害賠償金を含む一切の費用(弁護士費用及び逸失利益を含む)を支払うものとします。

14 利用者が本サービスの利用に関連して当社に損害を与えた場合、利用者の費用と責任において当社に対して損害を賠償(訴訟費用及び弁護士費用を含む)するものとします。




1 利用者は、予め当社の書面による承諾がない限り、本規約上の地位および本規約に基づく権利または義務の全部または一部を第三者に譲渡してはならないものとします。

2 当社は、本サービスの全部または一部を当社の裁量により第三者に譲渡することができ、その場合、譲渡された権利の範囲内で利用者のアカウントを含む、本サービスに係る利用者の一切の権利が譲渡先に移転するものとします。






1 本規約の有効性,解釈及び履行については,日本法に準拠し,日本法に従って解釈されるものとする。

2 当社と利用者等との間での論議・訴訟その他一切の紛争については、訴額に応じて、東京簡易裁判所又は東京地方裁判所を専属的合意管轄裁判所とします。

2019年6月19日 施行

2019年6月19日 改定


This agreement stipulates the handling when the customer uses the “Muscle Watching App” service (hereinafter “this service”) provided by Muscle Watching Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “our company”). Please use this service after agreeing to this agreement.

Article 1 (Definition)

The definitions of terms used in this agreement are as follows.

(1) This service

Services operated by our company and related services

(2) This site

Website where the contents of this service are posted

(3) This content

Generic term for characters, sounds, still images, videos, software programs, codes, etc. provided on this service (including posted information)

(4) User

All who use this service

(5) Registered users

Those who have completed user registration for this site

(6) ID

Character string unique to registered users for using this service

(7) Password

Cryptography uniquely set by the registered user corresponding to the ID

(8) Personal information

A general term for personally identifiable information such as address, name, occupation, and telephone number.

(9) Registration information

A general term for information registered by registered users on this site (excluding posted information)

(10) Intellectual property

Inventions, ideas, new varieties of plants, designs, copyrighted works, or other things created by human creative activities (discovered or elucidated laws or phenomena of nature that have industrial applicability). Includes), trademarks, trade names and other items that indicate products or services used in business activities, trade secrets and other technical or business information useful for business activities.

(11) Intellectual property rights

Patent rights, utility model rights, breeder’s rights, industrial rights, copyrights, trademark rights and other intellectual property rights stipulated by law or rights related to legally protected interests

Article 2 (Agreement to this agreement)

1 The user shall be able to use this service after agreeing to these terms of use.

2. When the user downloads this service to a smartphone or other information terminal and performs the procedure for agreeing to this agreement, a usage contract is established between the user and our company in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. Shall be.

3 If the user is a minor, please use this service after obtaining the consent of the parent or legal representative.

4 If a minor user uses this service by pretending that he / she has consent without the consent of a legal representative or by pretending to be an adult about his / her age, he / she will believe that he / she is a person capable of acting. If you use fraud, you cannot revoke any legal act related to this service.

5 If a user who was a minor at the time of agreeing to this agreement uses this service after reaching the age of majority, the user is deemed to have confirmed all legal acts related to this service.

Article 3 (Change of Terms)

1. The Company shall be able to revise the contents of this agreement at any time without obtaining the consent of the user, and the user shall consent to this without objection.

2. When we revise this agreement, we will notify the user of the contents by the method prescribed by us.

3. The revision of the previous agreement shall take effect from the time when the Company gives notice in accordance with the preceding paragraph.

4. When the user uses this service after changing this agreement, it is considered that he / she has agreed to the changed terms of use without any objection.

Article 4 (Membership procedure)

1. Those who wish to join this service (hereinafter referred to as “registration applicants”) must agree to this agreement and apply for membership by the prescribed method.

2. If you apply for membership, we will become a registered user from the time we accept the application and complete ID registration.

3 We will notify registered users of contact information, advertisements and other information by e-mail. Please note.

4. We may not accept the membership application at our discretion if the applicant for registration falls under any one of the following items.

When a person who wishes to register applies for membership regardless of the method specified by our company

(Ii) When the applicant for registration is a person who has been withdrawn due to violating this agreement or other terms of use established by our company in the past.

(3) When we determine that the applicant for registration is registering by improper means

(Iv) When the applicant for registration has registered information other than the person himself / herself

V. When we judge that it is inappropriate

Article 5 (Account Management)

1. The user shall voluntarily register and manage the information registered at the time of use (hereinafter referred to as “registration information”, including e-mail address, ID, password, etc.) at his / her own risk. The user shall not allow a third party to use this, or lend, transfer, change the name, buy or sell, etc.

2. When the service is used according to the registration information, the Company can treat it as the one used by the person who registered the use, and for the result caused by the use and all the responsibilities associated therewith, the use registration is done. It shall belong to the person who went.

3. If the unauthorized use of the registered information causes damage to the Company or a third party, the user shall compensate the Company and the third party for the damage.

4. The management of registration information shall be carried out at the user’s own risk, and the Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage suffered by the user due to the registration information being inaccurate or false. Suppose.

5 If it is found that the registered information has been stolen or used by a third party, the user shall immediately notify the Company and follow the instructions from the Company.

Article 6 (Handling of personal information, etc.)

Personal information and user information will be handled appropriately in accordance with the “Privacy Policy” separately established by the Company.

Article 7 (Prohibited acts)

When using this service, the Company prohibits the following acts from the user. If we find that the user has violated the prohibited items, we can suspend the user, withdraw from the membership, or take other measures that we deem necessary.

(1) Acts that infringe the intellectual property rights of the Company or a third party

(2) Acts that damage the honor or credibility of the Company or a third party, or unfairly discriminate or slander

(3) Acts that infringe or may infringe the property of the Company or a third party

(4) Acts that cause financial damage to the Company or a third party

(5) Threatening acts against the Company or a third party

(6) Computer virus, specifications of harmful programs or acts that induce them

(7) Acts that put an excessive burden on the infrastructure equipment for this service

(8) Attacks on our site’s servers, systems, and security

(9) Attempting to access our services using a method other than the interface provided by us

(10) The act of one user acquiring multiple user IDs

(11) In addition to the above, acts that the Company deems inappropriate

Article 8 (Disclaimer)

1. Our company does not take any responsibility for any damage caused by the change, interruption or termination of this service.

2. The Company is not involved in the usage environment of this service of the user and does not take any responsibility.

3. The Company states that this service fits the specific purpose of the user, has the expected functions, commercial value, accuracy and usefulness, and that the use of this service by the user is applicable to the user. We do not guarantee that the product will comply with the internal rules of industry groups and that no problems will occur.

4 Our company does not guarantee that this service is compatible with all information terminals, and there is a possibility that problems may occur in the operation of this service due to the version upgrade of the OS of the information terminal used for using this service. The user shall acknowledge in advance that there is sex. The Company does not guarantee that the problem will be resolved by modifying the program that the Company makes when such a problem occurs.

5. The user acknowledges in advance that the use of part or all of this service may be restricted due to changes in the terms of use and operation policy of service stores such as the App Store and Google Play.

6 The Company shall not be liable for any damages directly or indirectly caused to the user by using this service.

7. The Company has been notified in advance of the possibility of such damages for lost opportunities, business interruptions and any other damages (including indirect damages and lost profits) that occur to users and other third parties. Even so, we do not take any responsibility.

8. The provisions of paragraphs 1 to the preceding paragraph do not apply if the Company has intentional or gross negligence, or if the contract falls under the consumer contract law.

9. Even if the preceding paragraph applies, the Company shall be liable for any damages caused to the user due to negligence (excluding gross negligence) due to special circumstances. I shall not bear it.

10. If the Company is liable for damages related to the use of this service, it shall be liable for damages up to the amount of use received from the user in the month in which the damage occurred.

11 The Company shall not be liable for any dispute or trouble between the user and other users. Even if a problem occurs between the user and another user, it is the responsibility of both parties to resolve it, and we will not make any claims.

12 If the user causes damage to another user or causes a dispute with a third party in connection with the use of this service, the user will compensate or take such damage at his own expense and responsibility. We shall resolve the dispute and shall not cause any inconvenience or damage to us.

13 If the Company makes a claim for damages, etc. from a third party due to the user’s actions, the user’s expenses (attorney’s fees) and responsibility shall be resolved. When the Company pays damages to the third party, the user pays the Company all costs including the damages (including attorney’s fees and lost profits). will do.

14 If the user causes damage to the Company in connection with the use of this service, the damage shall be compensated to the Company (including legal fees and legal fees) at the user’s expense and responsibility.

Article 9 (Advertising)

The user understands and accepts that any advertisement may be included on this service and that we or its affiliates may place any advertisement. The form and scope of advertisements on this service will be changed by us at any time.

Article 10 (Prohibition of transfer of rights)

1. The user shall not assign all or part of the status under this agreement and the rights or obligations based on this agreement to a third party without the prior written consent of the Company.

2. The Company may transfer all or part of the Service to a third party at the discretion of the Company, in which case the user related to the Service, including the user’s account within the scope of the transferred rights. All rights shall be transferred to the transferee.

Article 11 (Severability)

Even if any provision of this agreement or a part thereof is determined to be invalid or unenforceable by the Consumer Contract Law or other laws and regulations, the remaining provisions and part of this agreement are invalid or unenforceable. The rest of the provisions determined to remain in force shall continue to be in full force.

Article 12 (How to contact us)

Users of this service to contact or inquire about this service shall be sent from this service or the inquiry form set up at an appropriate location on the website operated by our company, or by a method specified separately by our company. I will.

Article 13 (Governing law, court of jurisdiction)

1. The validity, interpretation and performance of this agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Japanese law.

2. For discussions, proceedings and all other disputes between the Company and users, the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive agreement jurisdiction court, depending on the amount of the complaint.