Beautiful women are made up of good muscles / Tatsuya Takaine

  • 2021年1月10日
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  • 240view

Hi, it’s me! Tatsuya from Muscle Watching. Let’s me introduce my first book 2017, 30th June.

Beautiful women are made up of good muscles = 美人はキレイな筋肉でできている in Japanese.




Tatsuya Takaine(@musclewatching)がシェアした投稿

This book is made up of 28 workout.

All workout is only 1 minute.

You can get beautiful body once a day for 4 weeks.

Please watch this playlist.

There is Chinese version.




Tatsuya Takaine(@musclewatching)がシェアした投稿

How to success for weight loss

1.To act based on own values and belief.

2.Communicate with friends.

3.To find your optimum way.

4.Balanced way.

5.Ignore small thing, solve big point.

6.Study and decide yourself.

7.See important words on your desk every day.

How to fail for weight loss

1.The only goal is to lose weight.

2.Do it alone.

3.Do it in an extreme way.

4.Short-term intensive type.

5.Ignore big point, solve small thing.

6.Got tricked by advertisement.

7.Got Forgot own values and belief.




To be continued….


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